Content marketing and SEO have transformed how businesses market their products and services.

Due to great technological leaps and social media advancements, the times of simply placing an ad in the paper and praying to the marketing gods for leads and customers are gone.

To be relevant, businesses now must adapt and merge with the constant digital marketing changes.

So, how can you put your business ahead of the game and in front of potential customers?

Knock, knock!

Who’s there?

Enter… SEO and content marketing.

Keeping up with digital marketing trends with content marketing and SEO strategies is a must if you want your business to be seen and to have an edge over your competitors.

Plus, using content marketing and SEO in your business has many benefits.

Keep reading to find out!

What is content marketing?

Content marketing is a strategic form that focuses on creating valuable, targeted, and consistent content that audiences want to consume, engage and convert into new customers

Businesses use content marketing to attract their target market in many creative ways to showcase their USP. (unique selling point.)

Forms of content marketing include blog posts, e-books, video scripts, emails and more!

Businesses that don’t use content marketing are missing out on opportunities. Companies with blogs are reported to have 67% more leads than those who don’t have a blog!

How your business benefits from content marketing and SEO

How your business benefits from content marketing

Content is king! High-quality content combined with effective marketing will provide you with the following:

  • Add value to the buyer and create strong business-customer relationships
  • Repeat customers that can refer other customers
  • Brand building and awareness
  • Higher expertise, authority and trust
  • Increased social media engagement
  • Increased sales
  • Creates a personal connection with your customers
  • A way for your customers to interact before they buy

What is SEO and how does it work?

SEO stands for search engine optimization. It means the process of improving your site to increase its visibility.

When people search for products or services related to your business in search engines like Google, the aim is to get your website or blog post to rank higher in the SERP (search engine results page), so more people will see it. Let’s face it – people don’t have the time or patience to scroll through hundreds of pages to find what they are looking for. Ain’t no one got time for that!

Competition on the big wide web is fierce. Depending on your targeted keywords, your aim should have helpful and genuine content and highly optimal SEO content that can rank high on the first page of the SERP. While it’s not always easy, it is possible!

Effective SEO strategies can help you help potential customers find your business through organic and free traffic. When this happens, it can be very exciting! When I started ranking my own articles on the first page of Google, it was game-changing!

Gone are the days when I wrote without a content plan because no one ended up reading them and I wasted a lot of time and resources.

Sadly, the SEO strategies implemented behind the scenes to get effective results don’t just happen organically. They take skills, experience and awareness. An intentional content plan plays a vital role before any copywriter writes a word.

How your business benefits from content marketing and SEO

What SEO techniques will a content writer use?

There are many SEO techniques to consider when increasing your site’s traffic. Some techniques are more advanced than others, and some may be out of the content writer’s control.

Google wants to offer its visitors the best results, which means having high-quality and user-friendly content. A great writer will implement or understand the following:

  • Identifying relevant keywords with good search traffic potential
  • Keyword placement and use of headings
  • Long-tail keywords
  • Optimizing title tags and meta tags
  • Link building
  • Include relevant links from high-quality sites
  • Knowledge of your competitor’s site and where they are getting their organic traffic from
  • High-quality and regular content
  • Ensuring great readability
  • Effective content formatting
  • Effective usage of images, graphics, videos and GIFS
  • Knowledge of the target audience
  • Updating old content

Other SEO factors to consider contribute to your blog post’s success that may need specialised attention, or are simply out of anyone’s control like Google’s algorithm.

  • On-page SEO factors like the quality of your code and site speed, the structure of your website, and the quality of the copy on your website
  • Off-page SEO factors include links from other websites that point back to yours, social media attention, and other marketing activities that happen off of your own website

How content marketing and SEO work together

Content marketing is a powerful way to sell that shouldn’t be ignored if you are a business owner. However, to get great content in front of the eyes that matter, incorporating SEO is a must-have.

However, a critical element is to have high-quality content that adds value to your reader and doesn’t look spammy that’s stuffed with keywords. With the right content that’s married to SEO, you’ll have a better chance of ranking higher.

Simply put, SEO without content marketing is like having a nail without the hammer. The same goes for content marketing. The two go hand in hand, and when both are executed effectively, results can blossom leading to increased sales and happy customers.

How your business benefits from content marketing and SEO

Outsource your SEO and content marketing needs

Every business owner should know about SEO and content marketing because it creates more business, builds your brand, and offers users a better overall experience.

If you’re a business owner starting out or a business that needs an extra boost, outsourcing your content to an experienced copywriter will be an excellent investment.

With the right writer, you can build a reputable brand consumers trust while creating passive leads for years to come.

I provide high-quality content you can be proud of. I’ll combine my creative storytelling skills and SEO experience to deliver tailored and unique content that represents your brand.

Many online businesses are hard to find. Don’t be one of them.

Invest in giving your business the attention it deserves. If you’re a woman in business, get in touch for a friendly chat and discover how I can add value to your business.



B2C Copywriter and SEO Strategist

Emmy Walker is an SEO copywriter, ghostwriter and content marketing strategist. She loves working with women-led businesses to plan and create high-quality content that attracts their target audience. You can find her playing with her dogs, writing romantic comedy novels and watching Shark Tank when she's not writing.
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